Character List

These are the characters that play in the GWR Club. To view their dossiers, click on the character name. To view their Gundams, click on the Gundam name. To see the player profiles, click on the player's name.

Show Characters Sanc Kingdom Characters
Character Gundam Player
Relena Peacecraft none Death_Angel_Of_Life
Heero Yuy "Wing Rebel" Heero_Yuy_Wing_Rebel
Trowa Barton "Heavyarms Rebel GWR_Trowa
Duo Maxwell "Deathscythe Rebel" Shinigami_Max
Quatre Winner "Sandrock Rebel" GWRQuatre
Chang Wufei "Altron Rebel" Chang_Wufei_Wing_05
Zechs Merquise "Tallgeese" Zechs_Is_Milliardo
Howard none Treize_Khushrenada_28645
Lucrezia Noin "Modified Virgo II" L_Noin_09
Hilde Schbeiker none GamerGrrrrl
Doctor J none Metallic_Angel_01
Rashid Kurama "Rashid Custom" ElectronicSasquatch

OZ Characters
Character Gundam Player
Treize Khushrenada "Tallgeese II" GundamVic
Lady Une "Peregrine II" Lady_Une_OZ_Officer

White Fang Characters
Character Gundam Player
Dorothy Catalonia "Modified Taurus" Evil_Eyebrows_Dorothy

Custom Characters Rebel Characters
Character Gundam Player
Becci Lytre "Guardian" Gundam_Guardian
Kachie Kurayami "Deadsoul Custom" Heeros_Girl
Eon Kai "Wing Wraith" CyborgmanX
Lennera Darser "WambatONE" Lennera_Darser
Nikky Brenshaw none Nikky_Brenshaw
Lazarus Riellan none Heero_Yuy_XXXG_00W0
Luna "Galaxy" Smorbits_20
Patrick Bradman none Pat_Bradman
Gregory Hines "Mighty Mop" KHalcyon
Brian Connors "Shadow Serpent" N_i_c_k_B_2000
Shiro Meisei "Blue Earth" CyborgmanX
Naomi Kai "Demon Reaver" CyborgmanX
Rezo Kopei "Evil Neptunius" YochiToranaga
Jeff Marks "G.O.D." YochiToranaga
Chang Meiran "Chan-Long" Luanatao_PilotWaveRider
Brad Travis "Vector" SSJ_Big_Boi
Max Hunter "Z-Bot" Liono_2000_2000
Shellion Valentine "Physalis" Treize_Khushrenada_28645
Val Valo none Treize_Khushrenada_28645
Dead End "Griever-EVA" The_Tyrant_Nemesis
James Reinhart "Griffin" Duo_Maxwell_Epyon
Keiji Ranzaku "Chaotic Star" Saiyajin_Keiji
Chris Duo "Wing Blade" SSJ_Trunks_WingZero
Shinobu Tezuka "Firestorm" Little_Valgaav
Dane Po "Spartacus" Dane_Po
Ryu Masaki none TrunksSSDBZ
Aiko Leala none Relena_Darlian_Peacecraft

OZ Characters
Character Gundam Player
Hiro Yui "Wing 01 Replica" Hiro_Yui_OZ17652
Curio Bancroft "Variable Gundam Panzer" Curio_Bancroft
Adrian Bancroft "SwiftStorm" Lt_Adrian_Bancroft
Rexus Blade "Gargoyle" "Lich" Rexus_Blade
Nikoli Dorvich "Ogre" Lt_Nikoli_Dorvich
Kahn Morbius "Vayeate Omega" Catapult7365
Ashley Felix "Forte" Motorcycle_Ashley
Hilary Sainte-James none CaptainHilary
Kitana Misary none Death_Angel_Of_Life
Yehomshi Crawford "NEO Demon" Treize_Khushrenada_28645
Hali Andrews "Space Modified Cannon Leo" HL_Andrews

White Fang Characters
Character Gundam Player
Matt Kelly "Fang (Were-Tiger)" Anime_Chic_03
Dorothy Catalonia "White Fang Modified Taurus" Gundam_Guardian
Jason Johnson "Phantom" EVA_Pilot_03

Bloody Scythe Characters
Character Gundam Player
Jareth Dallis "Epyon" "Shadow Reaper" Jareth_Dallis
Alexander LeCroux "Holy Paladin" "Archangel" Alexander_LeCroux
Liandra LeCroux "Tallgeese IV" Liandra_LeCroux
Fenix Jade "Dark Pheonix" Fenix_Jade
Daniel St.Croix "Shadow Hawk" "Cerberus" Daniel_StCroix

Unallied Characters
Character Gundam Player
D M Eikyuu "Final Judgement" Gundam_Final_Judgement
Jason Frye "Slayzer II" Heero_Yuy_XXXG_00W0
Zell Brink "Ash Pheonix" Zell_Zero_Brink
T L Fisher "Berserker" "Kestrel" TL_Fisher_89
Hikoshen Huei "Wing Infinity" "Marine" Hikoshen_Huei
Justin Ashtom none GamerGrrrrl
Hiko "Berserker" TL_Fisher_89
Dew "New Moon" GamerGrrrrl
Ranewater Kalder "Guilty" "Griepe" Metallic_Angel_01
The Shrouded Man "Darkwing" Heero_Yuy_XXXG_00W0
Zeks none KHalcyon
Gale Richardson none Death_Angel_Of_Life
Iceman "Frosty" Mercenary_Iceman
Digital Kitfox "Quicksilver" Digital_Kitfox
Taloraan none Taloraan_Tornado

Open Show Characters

Pagan, none
Catherine Bloom, none
Instructor H, none
Doktor S, none
Master O, none
Professor G, none
Sally Po, Modified Taurus

Custom Character Templates
These are the reccomended character types that a new player may chose from. Click on the template name for a description and history of the type.

Oz Soldiers
Sanc Kingdom Defense Force Soldiers
Bloody Scythe Soldiers
White Fang Soldiers
Gundam Scientist
Medical Staff
World Leaders

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