Name: David Kruegel, only identifies himself as Dead End
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 162 lbs
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Dyed Green
Heritage: Czechoslovakian
Origin: Prague
David was born and raised in the city of Prague, living a relatively happy and priveledged life. His knack for getting himself into seemingly inescapable trouble earned him the nick name "Dead End" among his friends.
OZ was an everyday presence in his life, Czechoslovakia being deep in OZ territory. Most of the time, the people of his city paid them no mind. However, all that changed when OZ took control. At the time, David was among his friends, carrousing and having fun. When OZ attacked the alliance base outside of Prague, the battle quickly moved into the city. In the fray, his friends were killed. David was the only survivor.
In the year since that day, David's life has changed drastically. Training day and night, he became as good a pilot as any in OZ, possibly as good as the Gundams. He fashioned his own Mobile Suit using the Prague facilities abandoned after the battle with the alliance. He has become a quiet, self-absorbed, deadly loner, vowing revenge, but secretly wishing that he had died with his friends.
Adopting the childhood name Dead End as his true identity, he has begun his own war against OZ.
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