Eon Kai

Name: Eon Kai
Age: TITAN project begun 19 years ago, Eon activated 3 months ago.
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark blue with green filaments.
Origin: Earth

Eon is the result of years of AI research; a bio mechanical humanoid (Mechanoid for short). He is working for peace and has the ability to control his gundam using a cordless cyberjack. He is the only one who can pilot his gundam, an altered version of the original Wing Zero.

Eon was created by Doctor J using the TITAN program, an AI research program for mobile suits. When OZ had received word that TITAN was completed, Doctor J made Eon escape with his original gundam, the Epyon Angel, so that no one could use him as a war machine or a slave. The two met up later on Earth and began seeking out the Gundam pilots.

Eon values true freedom and will not be taken alive. Like humans, Eon can be killed. Even though he is a mechanoid, he can think and act just like any human can, even emotionally. He is not a machine and hates being called one.

Eon Kai

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