Hali Andrews

Name: Hali Andrews
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 199 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Heritage: American
Origin: San Diego, California

Hali Laren Andrews was born in California, America. He attended OZ, graduating with mediocre scores in combat and only slightly higher scores in strategic planning. He was hired by Captain Glasman, predecessor of Captain Hilary Sainte-James, as a runner-boy for General Treize's aide de camps. Treize liked the young man for his sincerity, and later found a use for him because of his surface resemblance to his old friend, Zechs Merquise.

Though Treize presumed Andrews dead after his suit exploded at the manor in Austria, Lady Une hospitalised him and later brought him back to Barge to continue healing. Treize's kidnapping gave Andrews an opportunity to return to his General's service. His loyalty to Treize is built on friendship and an understanding of the flawed and human man he serves.

Hali Andrews

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