
Name: Hiko
Age: 3 months
Gender: Male
Height: 20 inches
Weight: 15 lbs
Eye Color: Brown, well, puppy-dog eyes
Hair Color: Brown and black, scruffy
Heritage: Terrier
Origin: L-3 Colony

Hiko is a good natured puppy belonging to T L Fisher. He was a gift from the psychotic Hikoshen Huei (his namesake), along with the Gundam Berserker, after Huei destroyed her original Gundam, Peregrine.

Hiko is friendly and cuddly, though he has a streak of junkyard dog that causes him to defend his master ferociously, resulting in a comical yipping and growling. His outlook on life is certainly just as humorous, as are his impressions of the inhabitants of the starship Peacemillian.

His hobbies are drooling, leaving "packages" for the janitor Greg Hines, chewing on slippers, chasing cats, riding in "his" Gundam Berserker, and making fun of Gundam pilots.


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