Name: Hikoshen Huei
Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Flat Black
Eyes: Brown
Heritage: Japanese
Origin: L3 Colony
Alliance: Unalligned Psychopath
Few people inspire as much interest and fear as Hikoshen Huei. An orphan at an early age, Hiko discovered his piloting talents when he managed to steal Marine, an experimental Gundam, from the OZ base on L3 at the age of 8. A very early predecessor of the Zero System, the Marine System drove Hiko completely insane. As a result, he randomly attacks groups of people for no readily apparant reason.
Hiko believes that the key to peace is to wipe out every anarchist force in the universe . . . namely, anything alive. His Gundam piloting skills are solely based on raw talent, but they are still quite formidable. He is truly an unusual and dangerous individual.
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