Hiro Yui

Name: Hiro Yui
Mobile Suit: Wing 01 Replica
Gender: Androgynous cyborg, outward male appearance
Age: 3 months
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Prussian Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Heritage: None, cybernetic organism
Origin: OZ Research Facility Alpha

When OZ began creating it's first AI computer, they had no idea of the ultimate outcome or their research. At first, they had planned to make an intelligent Mobile Doll. These plans gave way when Treize Khushrenada declared absolute war on Heero and the rebel forces that he apparently commanded. The new plan: an artificially intelligent android, who looked and behaved exactly like the near legendary Heero Yuy.

Thus began the Humanoid Imitating Robotic Organized Youth Unit Intellect Project (HIRO YUI Project), the ultimate in cybernetic growth and computer programming. Unlike the expirimental mechanoid, Eon Kai, Hiro is not capable of independant thought outside of his prime programming, nor does he think as a human, but as a computer. He is OZ's slave, and can only use creativity to further his core directive.

Mission: Kill Heero Yuy. Assume his position and role, acting as the true person. Slowly dismantle the rebel forces at his command. Kill the Gundam pilots and all others who stand in the way of OZ's total domination.

Hiro Yui

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