Keiji Kanzaku

Name: Keiji Kanzaku
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Dark Blue
Heritage: Japanese American
Origin: Texas

Keiji grew up in a small town in northern Texas, helping his father and mother run a farm. He was a normal kid who made good grades, played sports, and enjoyed martial arts. Ever since he was 10, he wanted to become a pilot. At the age of 13, his parents sent him to an OZ piloting school on the other side of the country, and his whole personality changed Instead of cheerful and playful, he became grim and morose, feeling that OZ was oppressive and evil. He graduated pilot training at the age of 17 with honors, only to go AWOL and join the Rebellion. He is now on his way to Sanc to help the Rebels in their crusade for Peace.

Keiji Kenzaku

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