Name: Lennera Darser
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 128 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Deep Green
Heritage: Irish
Origin: Space Station Oblivion, Asteroid Belt
Lennera Darser was born on a deep space station, smaller than the average colony. Her entire family was in the station security. Though she had a good childhood, a large portion of her time was spent training to become one of the elite Shadow Squad, the security forces her father and mother belonged to. Trained in everything from martial arts to explosives to chemical weapons, her training is broader then that of the Gundam pilots, though not as intensive.
Although she was sent to Earth to find a criminal from the station, she inadvertantly became the test pilot of the expirimental WambatONE. Strong willed and calm, she will prove a successful pilot. If she can survive . . . .
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