Name: Liandra LeCroux
Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Heritage: American
Origin: Lunar Base Colony
Alliance: Rebel
Liandra is Alex's little sister and Jareths girl friend. Two years ago, Lady Une attempted the assassination of Jareth and failed, hitting Liandra instead. Trying to make the best of a bad situation, she kidnapped the girl from her hospital and turned her over to Trieze. Seeing her value as a hostage, hea had her memory blocked by drugs. After she was resuced, she quickly recieved her memory back, along with a present from Alex and Jareth: Tallgeese IV.
A decent soldier and a good strategist, she can fly basic mobile suits and learns quickly. She may seem like an innocent, normal, good girl on the outside, but she has wild streak that can get her into trouble at times.
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