Matt Kelly

Name: Matt Kelly
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Heritage: European
Origin: L4 Colony
Alliance: White Fang

Although Jason is much more physically formidable than Matt, Matt is by far the more intelligent of the pair, which in turn make him the leader. Matt is a schemer. He is unable to rely on strength of body because he has little. However, he is a master pilot who knows how to use a gun and a Gundam.

Matt is the head of White Fang, with Jason providing the muscle behind his every command. The two plotted together to overthrow Becci as head of White Fang, and it was Matt who restored the destroyed Were-Tiger Gundam created by Jareth.

Matt is cold, calculating, and ruthless. However, he ALWAYS thinks before he acts, certainly a virtue, but sometimes dangerous when instant action is demanded. His hesitation has landed him in some dangerous situations.

Matt Kelly

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