Max Hunter

Name: Max Hunter
Heritage: American
Origin: Colony 16
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown

As a child, Max Hunter witnessed the total destruction of his home. Colony rebels hid in his town to escape OZ agents. When oz arrived, they proceeded to kill most of the town's populace. When his father tried to reson with the attacking soldiers, The Lightning Baron, Zechs Merquise, shot him for obstructing the OZ forces.

The OZ officer took in the man's orphaned son and enroled him as a pilot for OZ. Although he was raised as a surrogate son, Max secretly hates Zechs, remembering what he did to his true father. When he left OZ, he swore to kill him one day. Fortunately, he does not know that Milliardo and Zechs are one and the same.

Max Hunter

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