Name: Naomi Kai
Age: 1 month
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Heritage: Artificial humanoid
Origin: XS-1 Colony
Whoever it was that came up with the expression that girls are made of sugar and spice, they didn't meet Naomi Kai. The twin sister of Eon Kai (and hence the surrogate sister of Heero Yuy), Naomi was programmed to be a master assassin. Her skills and superior attitude made her too dangerous to activate until she completed a test program that ran nearly 19 years. At that time, her brother reactivated her and brought her to full life.
Naomi is both more advanced and dangerous than her brother. Though reprogramming has stabilized her slightly, she retains a significantly superior attitude towards humans and, to a certain extent, her brother.
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