Name: Nikky Brenshaw
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 152 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Heritage: Dutch
Origin: Amsterdam
Nikky is the last of seven children born to Dutch emmigrants. His parents and oldest siblings were hired as servants for a wealthy British family in England. A young childless couple of the English household adopted Nikky. Nikky is close to both of his families, though that is occasionally problematic because he is often asked to take sides. He is keenly aware in the difference in status of his two families.
After graduating from a local college, Nikky attended a Catholic seminary in Holland, but suspended that career to join the Specials at the insistence of his friends. Nikky was quickly disillusioned with the Alliance and its corrupt politics and was a strong voice for reform, and eventually pacifism. He abandoned OZ at the age of twenty-seven, then finished his seminary attendance and earned a Master of Arts in Religious Education. He now hopes to work for change with the Absolute Pacifists, and sees Relena Peacecraft as the best proponent of peaceful co-operation with Space and the Earth's nations.
Nikky is deeply spiritual, a quick learner, and extremely likeable due to his friendly personality and understated humour. He has a distinct accent that slides from Queen's English to more Germanic depending on the situation.
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