Name: Nikoli Dorvich
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 143 lbs
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Bleach blonde
Heritage: Russian
Origin: Cheschen Republic
Born in The New USSR, Nikoli was raised in England when his parents moved to England during his 3rd year. A long time friend of the Bancroft family, and Curio in particular, Nikoli was constantly playing "Mobile Suit Pilot" with his friend. Both entered the OZ Accademy together and moved up in the ranks steadily. It was only due to a slight insurrection towards a superior officer that allowed Curio to move ahead. Aside from that instance, Nikoli has a spotless record and holds no grudge towards his friend.
A lady's man due to his rugged good looks, his utter confidence is directly translated to his mobile suit in battle. In the Long Range Attack Leo, his personal trademark, nothing short of a whole wing of Gundams could take him.
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