OZ Logo

Full Title: Organization of the Zodiac
Date Founded: After Colony 170
Alliance: Earth Noble Military Dictatorship
Membership: 10,000 active members in military, officers, science, and weapons research with 5,000 reserve.
Mission: To enforce peace in the Earth Sphere through military enforcement
Commander: Treize Khushrenada
Second in Command: Lady Une

Since the early days of the Earth Sphere Alliance, the Romafeller Foundation has been a major multi-corporation, owning dozens of subsidiaries throughout human populated space. In the year AC 170, they began a separate organization known as OZ, a secret society fronted as a manufacturing corporation.

In truth, OZ was a military training program for nobility around the planet and throughout space. As the years went on, they develpoed a substantial power base, largely due to their development of military Mobile Suits for the Alliance in AC 173.

It was in AC 195 that Oz, under the leadership of the ambitious Treize Khushrenada, dispelled the Alliance and took direct control of the Earth Sphere. Though Romafeller made certain moves to bring OZ back in line, eventually it was OZ itself that triumphed and cast away the older organization.


Leo Class Mobile Suits Leo Class Cannon Suits

Leo Class Space Suits Virgo Class Mobile Dolls

Taurus Class Mobile Dolls Aries Class Air Suits

Tragos Class Tank Suits Pices Class Underwater Suits

Cancer Class Underwater Suits

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