Name: Ranewater Kalder, AKA Kross
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Heritage: European
Origin: MO-IV Colony
A test tube baby created to be a living machine, Rane was raised in a manner similar to that of the Gundam pilots. However, that all ended when he developed an alternate personality that turned on his creators, killing all of them and flying to Earth. It was planetside that his true nature revealed itself . . . that of a happy go lucky thief for hire . . . AND a cold, cruel, aggressive terrorist!
As Rane, as he is called, he is cheerful, easy going, and good natured, though on a job he is very professional and cool. He has a strong antisocial streak towards men, but his shyness melts instantly at the sight of a woman . . . ANY woman. Kross, however, is much darker, cold, calculating, and cruel. He has some unknown motive, and though he is only aggressive when provoked, he has a certain tendency for violent outbreaks and random acts of destruction.
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