Rashid Kurama

Name: Rashid Kurama
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 253 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Heritage: Arabian
Origin: Cairo, Egypt

Rashid is the large leader of the forty man army known as the Maganac Corps. Like all the corps, he takes care and watches out for his master, Quatre. Often, he leads the corps in missions just to help out Quatre. In one battle, he even led the forty men in a search for Quatre, but had to battle through the Mobile Dolls. Surprisingly, not one of his men has yet died.

Rashid is patient and gentle, despite his size and appearance. He cares a great deal for his master, and though he does not always approve of his rash actions, he will always support the lad.

Rashid Kurama

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