Full Title: The Secret Allied Colonial Rebellion
Date Founded: After Colony 185
Alliance: Rebels opposed to the Romafeller Foundation and the OZ syndicate.
Membership: No definate number
Mission: To defeat OZ and Romafeller and bring peace and unity to the Earth Sphere
Commander: Doctor J
Second in Command: Professor G
After the assassination of the Colonial pacifist leader Heero Yuy, a band of followers of the great leader began plotting against the organization that killed him. This is how the Rebellion started.
Started by the five original Gundam scientists, the Rebellion slowly branched out throughout the Earth Sphere, involving disidents, mercenary groups, soldiers, and civilians. For many of the groups, the Rebellion is life, while others know nothing of its existence, being manipulated from the shadows.
With the development of the first Gundams, the Rebellion began full swing. It is now a rray of hope for all the oppressed throughout the Earth Sphere.
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