Join Us!

As with any good club, there are a FEW requirements to join. However, there are no actual monetary gratuities, only paperwork to be filled out. Here's what you do:
1. You need a yahoo ID. If you have one, great! If you DON'T, get one here.
2. Now you have to join our club. To do this, click here.
3. You will shortly get an e-mail from Yahoo that tells you you have been accepted (this is stated in the rules when you sign up for the club). Do as the e-mail directs and viola!! You're in!
4. As a prerequisite to playing, you will need to create a character bio and have a picture of your Gundam cna character. This is detailed in the official rules. Read them!
Any questions you may have can be asked simply by going here and choosing one of the founders to e-mail.

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