1. If you want a show character, check the character list to see which characters are free.
2. Choose your character and post a message requesting that character. Within 24 hours, one of the founders will reply to your message. If s/he is free, 90% of the time, you will get him/her.
3. Post a message of acceptance of your character within two days of recieving the reply from the founder. If you do not reply, the character will be given to the next person who asks. You can still post a message accepting the character in question after the two days is up, but if someone else accepts the character first, the character is gone.
4. After accepting the character, you may RP in any existing story or start your own.
5. If, after accepting your character, you dissappear from the club for a period of two weeks, without leaving prior notice, that character is playable by any other club member of the club. After a full month of absense, the character will be reassigned to the next player who desires the character. will post a message saying that your character is once again open and we will reassign your character to anyone who asks. IF you return after the initial two weeks, but before the one month, anything another player posted stands, but you do get the character back.
6. If you post a message saying that you must leave the club for a time, we will leave your character alone for two weeks PLUS the amount of time you say you will be missing. If you do not return two weeks after you say you will return in your message, rule number 5 will apply. If you do not specify when you will be back, your character will be left alone for one month. Then rule number 5 will apply.
7. If you wish to have a custom character, please check the character list. It will contain a list of potential custom characters. You are not limited to this list, but please do not use any characters that the Character List states as prohibited. Example: Civilians make great extras in stories, but to play as one is boring and dull.
8. To create a custom, you are required to create a bio for that character. A bio must include Name, Height, Weight, Eye Color, Hair Color, National Heritage, Place of Origin, and a brief history of the character.
9. After choosing your profile, post your bio on the board. Within 24 hours, you will recieve a welcome letter from a founder. There is a 99% chance that your character will be accepted.
10. The founders reserve the right not to accept a character. If there are questionable aspects of your stats (i.e. a Gundam named Motherf**ker), you will be asked to change it. If you do not comply, you will not be welcome. This could result in all your messages being deleted, contacting yahoo administration, or removing you from the membership. I hope and believe this will not be a problem.
11. Customs do not need to post an acceptance reply. Just start playing after recieving a welcome letter.
12. Custom characters can not be reassigned. If a custom character dissappears, his gundam will be written out of the story, and possibly destroyed in battle if the owner of the profile does not return within one month. If you provide notice of your leaving, your character will be dealt with in a similar manner as in rule 6. Only founders can write you out of the story.
13. There is an individual maximum of 4 characters per player. This includes all custom and show characters. No more characters will be permitted to any one person. Should we learn that you have used a different ID to make more characters for yourself, all of your characters could end up in jeopardy. Do not push this.
Official Rules 2: Play and Plot
1. RPing takes place on the message board. Post a message to start a story or get involved with a currently running story.
2. When starting a new story, place the name of your story in the subject bar. All people who want to continue this story simply reply and do not change the subject bar. Example: Character 1 starts a story called, Dark Knights. Character 2 replies and leaves the subject saying, RE: Dark Knights.
3. If you start a new stroy and it intersects OR combines with an older story, post the names of both stories in the subject bar, preferably older story first. Example: Character 3 has a new story, Cold Steel. It intersects the older story, Dark Knights. The subject bar should read, RE: Dark Knights, Cold Steel. 4. At any point, any character involved in a story can branch off and start a new story of their own. Example: Character 2 stops replying to Dark Knights and starts a new story, Blazing Vengence.
4. In a story message, you can place out of character messages at the beginning of the post, before you continue the story you were replying to. Be sure to specify when you are in or out of character, IC for in character, and OOC for out of character, or IRL for in real life. Example: Character 2 replies to Dark Knights with this: Hey guys, I'm talking IRL. I'm gonna soon start a new story, "Blazing Vengence." Check it out. In the mean time, IC: He [character 2] followed the trail on the map with his finger. He didn't know the route . . . .
5. Unassigned show characters can be used by players. Players can perform all their actions for them. Players can also type their dialogue. Example: Treis Kutrenada is unassigned. Character 1 wants to use him in his story. He types: As he [character 3] walked up to Treis, the Oz officer stared back at him and grinned. I have been waiting for you, said Treis.
6. If an assigned character, custom or show, has not signed on for 2 weeks time and has left no notice of absence, any player may use that character in their story and perform actions for him/her. You may type all actions and dialogue, but do NOT make critical choices (i.e. accepting a mission, fighting a battle) for the character.
7. Founders reserve the right to kill any custom character that has not posted for more than a month over their requested off time. This will not neccesarily be the result of extended periods of absence, but it CAN happen.
8. If the owner of a deceased custom character returns, s/he must ask permission to return and s/he must explain how and why s/he survived death. Note: None of this, "I got wished back by the Dragonballs!" stuff, OK?
9. No character can be killed UNLESS:
They are a custom character and have not signed on for
a month (see rule 6).
They have died in the show (reversible with permission
from founder).
The person playing a custom character wishes him/her to
die (reversible with permission from creator of character).
The player has been removed from the club
Show characters who have not died in the show cannot be
killed by their players who do not want them anymore.
They will be reassigned to the next taker.
10. To preserve the continuity of the stories in the club, please read all the most recent posts from all the currently running stories. Try not to contradict anything said in a previous message. This is simple courtesy. Example: Character 1 wants to say that Character 2 is on Earth in Dark Knights. Character 2 is saying that he is on the moon in Blazing Vengence. Character 1 cannot say that Character 2 is on Earth.
11. If you DO contradict a major plot point in one of the stories, please try to rectify the situation by the next post. If you notice someone else's contradiction error, please point it out to them.
12. There is a "Current Events" page on the official site. To avoid reading every post that you missed, you MAY read this page. However, it does not go into exact detail, so any questions you have should be directed to a founder.
13. Every character is allowed only two Gundams during their entire membership in this club. They may have two at once or one at a time. If one of the Gundams is destroyed, they only have one left. Furthermore, each Gundam only has one physically altering upgrade, for which they can create a new pic. Once you have met you Gundam allotment, you may not have anymore.
14. Players are able to have as many basic, mass-produced mobile suits as they wish. However, they are not nearly as durable as a Gundam.
Official Rules 3: Pictures
1. All custom characters must have a pic of both their Gundam and their character. These pictures should be posted in the club's "Group Pic" photo album.
2. Players are encouraged to chose their own pics. However, if you cannot find a suitable picture, whether it is design or color related, the founders will choose a pic for you.
3. If you wish a founder to choose your pics, post a description of what you are looking for in your character and your Gundam. We will try to accomadate your request in any way possible.
4. When creating Gundam pics, no two Gundam designs may be identical. Two Gundams may be similar, but none can have the exact same body shape. Be sure to check the character list to see which Gundam types have been taken.
5. Club members are NOT to create new photo albums. Any new albums WILL be deleted. The currently existing albums are the only albums that may remain.
6. The "Group Pic" album is solely for pictures of custom characters and Gundams. The "Official Club" album is only for pics of show characters and Gundams. The "Gundam Humor" album is just for humorous pictures of Gundam Wing characters and club custom characters. Any pics placed in the wrong folder will be transferred to the proper album.
All rules are subject to change, as stated above. If
you wish to change the rules, contact a
founder and we will post a revision if we feel that
your suggestion is valid.