Rexus Blade

Name: Rexus Blade, Real name Hunter O'Guinn
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Heritage: American
Origin: Eugene, Oregon

Rexus enlisted and began in OZ just like any other soldier. He showed natural talent as a soldier, He followed orders to the letter, performed his duties well, and asked only the necessary questions at the appropriate times. However, his superiors soon noticed his extraordinary skill with his standard mobile suit and realized what a fantastic soldier he truly was. He advanced through the ranks quickly, but always took his time choosing his assignments. Thus, though he was not the youngest Special in OZ, he was by far one of the very best.

However, that all changed when Hunter O'Guinn made himself known. After a fateful memory-device test run, Rexus discovered the hidden personality of Hunter, a man who had locked away his own memory and fashioned a new identity to infiltrate OZ . . . the identity of Rexus himself! Since then, the two have fought a vicious battle for control over their shared body.

Rexus is generally the laid back type, kind until provoked, loyal, and fair, in and out of combat. More than anything, he hates cowardice. Hunter, however, is crafty, dark, brilliant, and deadly.

Rexus Blade

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