Name: Nathan Felix, true name unknown
Age: Estimated at 25 to 30
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Estimated at 130 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Right eye Blue, left eye prosthetic, Red
Heritage: Assumed to be of American descent.
Origin: Atlantis Commune, Luna
Alliance: None
No one knows anything about the man who now calls himself Nathan Felix. Once a home businessman who lived a very seclusive life, the original Nathan Felix was mysteriously and brutally murdered by an unknown assailant. His body, found by the police, later disappeared, and all traces of him vanished.
The new Nathan Felix is a dark, deadly unknown, a man (if you could call him that) that represents evil to all who see him. Constantly covered in a dark, impenatrable, black cloak that covers his entire body, the only visible parts of his body are his hands, the left of which is a razor-tipped, mechanical prosthesis, and his deep, red, glowing, mechanical eye.
Though no one knows his motives or past, one thing is certain . . . those who dare cross his path, beware!
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