Trowa Barton

Name: Trowa Barton
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 99 lbs
Eyes: Dark green
Hair: Brown
Heritage: Unknown
Origin: L3 Colony

Trowa Barton, the pilot of Gundam Heavyarms, is a very highly skilled pilot, like the others. However, being less skilled in the arts of close combat, his Gundam has been specially equipped to bombard any opponent with massive blasts and explosives from very far away. Physically more frail than the others, he has spectacular balance and gymnastic ability. When he is not fighting OZ, he works at the circus so OZ can not seek him out and so he can further hone his almost balletic grace.

Trowa, like Heero, is not talkative at all. Trowa is also the eldest of the Gundam Pilots.

Trowa Barton

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