Yehomshi Crawford

Name: Yehomshi Crawford
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red-brown
Heritage: Uncertain, believed Japanese-American
Origin: Unknown

Yehomshi has been trying to meet with Treize Khushrenada (his role modle) for several years, but always seems to miss him. This is fortunate, since Yehomshi is exactly the opposite of Khushrenada's idea of a soldier. He is merciless, leathal, and violent. His life, or at least the part spent with OZ, has been one of choas and distruction. He loves fighting and will let no one live after they lose to him. He is undisputedly one the best pilots in the regular OZ army, having turned down promotion after promotion. He has a viscious hatred for all gundam pilots and wishes one day to meet and defeat them all in the name of Treize Khushrenada.

Ruthless, underhanded, prideful, he refuses to give up at any cost even his own life, and he is determanded to meet his role model one day.

Yehomshi Crawford

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