Zell Brink

Name: Zell Brink
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eye Color: Blue-green
Hair Color: Brown with blonde bangs
Heritage: American
Origin: Las Vegas, Nevada

Zell's life was torn apart the day the reactor in his colony was destroyed by a mysterious accident. In the colony's last moments, Zell's father sent him off into space with his own Mobile Suit, the Ash Phynix. Unable to control the flight of the suit, Zell watched helplessly as his colony exploded in white fire.

He drifted through space for months until he entered Earth's atmosphere, at which time the preprogrammed controls of the suit disengaged and allowed Zell to control it for the first time. Now he is an orphan in a world he barely remembers from his early childhood.

Zell is a shy individual at first, but generally grows very warm when he gets to know someone. However, he is also prone to be a personality mirror, mimicing the behavior of whomever he comes into contact with.

Zell Brink

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