Visitor centre now on line


All aboard: Ex-railway man and member of the 'Friends of Carnforth Station' Jim Walker from Carnforth with some memorabilia he took along to the opening of the Tourist Information Centre on Wednesday.


All aboard: Ex-railway man and member of the 'Friends of Carnforth Station' Jim Walker from Carnforth with some memorabilia he took along to the opening of the Tourist Information Centre on Wednesday.

Ex-Railwaymen and members of the 'Friends of Carnforth Station' visited the station on Wednesday to celebrate the Opening of the new visitor centre.

The Friends have been given permission by Railtrack to open the room on the station, to help promote the town and the ongoing regeneration project at the station.

Pete Yates of Carnforth Station Trust said: "The room is promoting what we are trying to do, as well as promoting tourism in the town.

"It contains a little bit of ail sorts - tourism leaflets, adverts for local businesses, the projected plans for the station, and photographs and memorabilia from the Brief Encounter film.

"The station project is now well on its way, and regeneration work is expected to run alongside the North West Coast regeneration project which is due to start in January 2000."

Lancaster Guardian - Friday 13 th August 1999

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