Off track!
(1st March 1997)

A FULL scale investigation is under way after a freight train was derailed south of Carnforth. Services along the West Coast Mainline were seriously disrupted over the weekend after three engines came off the tracks close to Crag Bank. More than 250 yards of track were severely damaged by the derailment and rail chiefs have called for a full enquiry.

Four locomotive engines coupled together were being towed from Carlisle to Wigan when they fell off the tracks and blocked the line. This left only one route open and caused chaos to services, with some trains being diverted along the Settle to Carlisle line.

Railtrack spokesman, Helen O'Riordan, said: "Lots of workmen worked throughout the weekend to repair the track, which was very badly damaged. Some services were diverted and a speed restriction was put in force but everyone worked tremendously hard from Saturday until early Monday morning and services were back to normal by Monday afternoon."

Experts still have to assess the exact cause of the derailment but vandalism has not been ruled out as a possible cause.

John Moorhouse of the Rail Users Group said he was uncertain of the exact details but would be discussing the incident at a meeting with Railtrack.

He said: "It is certainly strange for the track to be as badly damaged as this and it's always regrettable when services are disrupted. I hope the damage is not indicative of the state of the line and I'll be bringing the matter up at my meeting with Railtrack."

Lancaster Citizen,  6 th March 1997

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