Can you bridge this gap in knowledge?

JUST about everyone knows that the British film classic Brief Encounter was filmed largely at Carnforth railway station, enveloped by swirling steam and Rachmaninov's second piano concerto.

But what of other scenes in Noel Coward's 1946 weepie, especially the quaint stone bridge "in the country" to where Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard drove in a little open top sports car one sunny afternoon.

It has recently provoked the interest of Daily Mail readers in their regular Answers to Correspondents column. Does it still exist and if so where is it? That was the question, but no one has been able to come up with the answer.

Somewhere on the way to Artkholme was a suggestion from Christine Jones of Lancaster. South Lakes is another suggestion.

Brief Encounter, directed by David Lean, is the simple story of a chance meeting and a brief and sad love affair between Trevor Howard (Dr Alec Harvey) and Celia Johnson (Laura Jesson). It struck a chord with thousands who were re-evaluating their own lives in the aftermath of the Second World War and has since become firmly established an an all-time classic.

So, do you know where the little stone bridge was - or is? Drop us a line or ring us on 01524 382121.

Can you bridge this gap in knowledge? Lancaster Citizen  24 th March 2000

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