Sentimental journey

Steamy scene: Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard in Brief EncounterSteamy scene: Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard
in Brief Encounter

QUESTION In the film Brief Encounter, there are two scenes taken over a bridge in the countryside. Does it still exist and if so, where is it?

THE 1946 film Brief Encounter, an adaptation of a Noel Coward play, examines the theory that there is one true love for everyone. How- ever, it takes it from the position of two people who we already happily married to other partners when they meet and eventually discover true love in the form of each other:

The two people in the story are housewife Laura Jesson (Celia Johnson) and Doctor Alec Harvey (Trevor Howard). A chance meeting leads to a mutual attraction. The couple want to take the plunge but part for the good of their families.

This British film, directed by David Lean, coming as it did, just at the end of World War II, a time when many couples were just being re-united and re-evaluating their relationships, is regarded by many as one of the all-time classics. It was filmed mainly at Carnforth Station, which still receives a large number of visitors based on the popularity of the film even today.

Many shots were taken in this beautiful part of North Lancashire; and it is likely that the bridge in question was on the line out to Arkholme, whose railway station was owned for many years by comedian Jim Bowen.

Christine Jones, Lancaster.

Daily Mail 20th March 2000

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