A long encounter

Station set to mark historic film


ONE of the most famous scenes in British cinema history - Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard in Brief Encounter shot at Carnforth Railway Station

ONE of the most famous scenes in British cinema history - Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard in Brief Encounter shot at Carnforth Railway Station (below)

Carnforth Station

CARNFORTH'S brief encounter with the movie-world is being celebrated to mark 100 years of silver screen entertainment.

A special plaque will be unveiled at Carnforth railway station to mark the historic spot's connection with the classic black and white film Brief Encounter.
Many famous scenes of the movie, which was directed by the acclaimed Sir David Lean, were shot at Carnforth in l945.
The plaque - commemorating Sir David - will be unveiled in front of a host of dignitaries on June 2, National Cinema Day


It will be unveiled by Margaret James, who appeared as Celia Johnson's daughter in the film, and who is making a special trip to the city to be guest of honour at the event.
To round off the day there will be a special showing of Brief Encounter at The Dukes Theatre in Lancaster.
The film will be introduced by Mrs James and a documentary showing archive footage of the movie in production will be shown.
A spokesman for The Dukes said: "Throughout the Centenary of Cinema year, Cinema 100, an organisation set up to co-ordinate celebrations, will be marking famous names and locations through- out the country with the placing of specially struck plaques.
"Carnforth is the first of a number of sites to be included in Lancaster's celebrations.
" For further details about these events contact Keith Lamb at Lancaster Council's arts and events group on Lancaster 582801 or Katherine Anderson at The Dukes on 67461.

Lancashire Evening Post 21 st May 1996

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