Film's plaque to the future

ROMANTIC MEMORIES: Mrs Margaret James recalls the making of the classic weepie Brief Encounter at Carnforth station.

ROMANTIC MEMORIES: Mrs Margaret James recalls the making of the classic weepie Brief Encounter at Carnforth station.

CARNFORTH'S contribution to cinematic history has now been marked with a plaque - half a century after the station was used as the setting for the classic weepie Brief Encounter.

The unveiling was carried out by one of the few surviving extras from the 1945 classic film, Mrs Margaret James (formerly Barton). She played the daughter of the character who ran the refreshment room where the film's stars Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard meet.

Mrs James was also the guest of honour at a special screening of the film at the Dukes Cinema where tickets cost just £1.

She still has fond memories of the film, which she describes as a wonderfully romantic story which ends up with people showing moral courage.

The film charts the story of a bored suburban housewife who has a brief affair with a local doctor. Much of the film was shot on the platform where the new British Film Institute plaque is sited.

Carnforth was chosen as the first venue for a cinema plaque. unveiled to coincide with the National Cinema Day to celebrate a century of cinema.

Locals are hoping the new plaque survives longer than its predecessor to commemorate the filming, which was stolen from the station.

Lancashire Evening Post 4 th June 1996

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