"Railway Intelligence"

LANCASTER AND CARLISLE RAILWAY - A friend of ours, who has recently walked over the greater part of the railway now in the course of construction between Lancaster and Carlisle gives a highly favourable report of the state of affairs. He says the contractors have made a most excellent begining throughout nearly the whole of the line, and at Shap in particular they are remarkably forward, so that there is no doubt whatever of the line being opened by July 1846, the time named. Our friend, who has great experience in railways, adds:- "I never saw a line better stocked with materials of the best kind and most modern construction, nor did I ever see so great a number of the finest and stoutest workmen together. They are the admiration of all. They seem very happy and contented, great attention having been paid by Mr. Stephenson, the contractor, to provide for them houses and lodgings. There are hundreds of neat dwellings  erected, the comfort of which surpasses all belief. The country is so wild and solitary, that it is absolutely necessary to supply provisions for the men, otherwise the work could not proceed." - Railway Record. 

"Railway Intelligence" - Lancaster Guardian 23rd November 1844

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