Information centre opens to boost regeneration of Carnforth Station

Time is right for more than a just brief encounter

By Ingrid Kent
By Ingrid Kent


THE regeneration of Carnforth Train Station took one giant step forward last Wednesday when a new Tourist Information Office was opened on the platform where Brief Encounter was filmed.

Packed with information about the historic train station, Brief Encounter and other tourist attractions, the new centre has been set up by the Friends of Carnforth Railway Station.

The station has a constant flow of visitors from across the globe including John and Karen Dean from Australia who visited the station earlier that day.

Carnforth Station is currently on the British Tourist Authority's 'Movie Map of Great Britain' published for the first time around one month ago and an author commissioned to write a book on film locations is currently writing a couple of pages about Carnforth.

"It's the first time there has been a presence in this building for about 20 years," said Peter Yates of the Carnforth Station and Railway Trust Co Ltd at the launch of the Tourist Information Centre.

"We would love to see Lancashire and Cumbria working together to get this platform working again. It would be great to re-create the buffet in the film. Carnforth needs this project to help regenerate the town."

Peter thanked the many people involved in the station's regeneration including MP Geraldine Smith who brought the subject of the station up in Parliament.

In the information centre there is also a display of pictures of Brief Encounter and a plaque saying that the former buffet was the setting for the film.

The Trust is hoping there will be major refurbishment of the station and the reinstatement of its function as a key railway junction.

It has reached an understanding that Railtrack's Station Regeneration Programme, due to start in Spring 2000, will allow for the refurbishment of the operational station to complement the Trust's proposals for the buildings.

Jim Walker, who was once a fireman on the old steam trains and who now lives in Carnforth, said he was on one of the last steam trains in Britain to drive into Carnforth Station. The train. travelled from Rose Grove Station to Carnforth on August 4 1968: "That day was the end of working steam trains on British Rail," he said.

The Carnforth Railway Station Trust Co Ltd has launched an appeal, care of the Furness Building Society at 2, Lancaster Gate, Lancaster, LAl 1NB, to which donations can be sent. Anyone interested in joining the Friends of Carnforth Railway Station would be most welcome. The Friends, who are part of the Trust; organise social events, fund raise and distribute a newsletter to members.

Contact Peter Yates for further details on: 732805. Further information can also be found on the Internet on:

'Friends of Carnforth Train Station' Peter Yates (front) and Jim Walker show off some railway memorabilia at the opening of the Tourist Information Centre. 'Friends of Carnforth Train Station' Peter Yates (front) and Jim Walker show off some railway memorabilia at the opening of the Tourist Information Centre.


THE VISITOR.18 th August  1999

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