The Coven Of The Good Witch,
trains absolute beginners in the Craft at First Degree level. All newcomers to the Temple must first pass through this training before progressing to the higher degrees, although the speed at which trainees progress will naturally depend upon previous experience. All we ask of newcomers is that they make a firm commitment to complete Weave 1 of their First Degree training, at which point they may make a decision to either continue with their training, or leave as they so choose.
The Coven's First Degree training is a firm grounding in the basics of the Akashan Tradition, and involves practical real-life guidance (where possible), as well as thorough studies in the various aspects of Akashan WitchCraft.
The First Degree training consists of 3 Weaves of studies, involving the practical as well as the theoretical aspects of WitchCraft. The course involves ritual, spellcasting, meditation, personal wellbeing studies, as well as other traditional aspects of WitchCraft. Our aim is to train well-developed and skilled Priests and Priestesses of the Akashan Tradition of WitchCraft.
Courses begin at regular intervals throughout the year, and further information about courses offered is available by contacting the Temple.
First Weave Topics WitchCraft and Paganism.
We study what WitchCraft is, what Paganism is, and look at the differences between the two.
Traditions and Power. We look at various Pagan Traditions, and analyse what power is, where it can be found in society, and study the difference between 'power from within' and 'power over'.
Terminology and the Elements. We look at commonly used terms in Akasha, and study the correspondences of the Elements.
The God and Goddess. We look at different Deity archetypes and what they mean.
The Altar. We learn how to set an altar, and why the Altar is set in a certain way.
Second Weave Topics
The Wheel of the Year. We study the SABBATS of the year, and look at different rituals associated with each Sabbat.
Scrying. We study different methods of scryingScrying, and discuss how and why scrying works.
The Tarot. We learn the Tarot , and learn different spreads and techniques.
The Esbats and Lunar Phases. We study the Esbats, and learn rituals for each phase of the moon. We also learn spells for each lunar phase, and look at appropriate times for different spellcastings.
Third Weave Topics
Ethics of Akashan WitchCraft. We study the ethics of being a Witch, and learn how to deal responsibly with increased personal power.
The Witches' Pyramid. We learn and study the meaning of the Witches' Pyramid.
The Tools of WitchCraft. We study the Tools of WitchCraft, their meanings, history and purpose.
Earth Magic. We look at our relationship with the Earth, and study plant Devas and nature spirits. What is Witchcraft?
Meditation. We learn the art of Meditation , and how to use and develop trance states and pathworkings.
Correspondences. We study the correspondences Spell Chart of weekdays, elements, plants, crystals and animals.