
The file has grown, so follow the links to the new and old:

Please note that the origin of these messages have become lost in the cyberspace wash, so the author's are mostly unknown.
1. Relationships  31k  Added 97/08/20 
2. 15 Reasons that dogs don't use computers  2k  Added 97/08/26 
3. Virus Alert  3k  Added 97/08/26 
4. Proof that the world revolves around beer...  4k  Added 97/08/26 
5. The Top Signs of Net Addiction  6k  Added 97/09/14 
6. What parents learn from Kids  5k  Added 97/09/14 
7. Only in the U.S. 2k Added 97/10/31
8. Some South AFrican Humour 3k Added 98/01/11

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Page updated 98/07/14