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Wedding Pics

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hi everyone, welcome back to my homepage. As promised i have updated the site to include some of my wedding pics. Go to PHOTOALBUM and follow the link to see the pics.

walima8_th.jpg My wedding pics

I know it's taking longer to update at the moment. But I will try updating every month as I used to do. So keep watching this space. . .

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Since 2nd May 2000

Last Updated (GIF) on : 14th March 2005

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I was awarded a Approval Award on my site. Many thanks to htt://avalonadventure.com

Site created and maintained by [email protected] © 2004

Created on: 2nd May 2000

A Personal page with a difference. This site includes Bangladesh history, profile, pictures, national symbols and much more. Also has a Islamic setion, Free Desktop wallpapers for you to download. A Bollywood section with loads of information on Bollywood (Indian) movie stars. A Jokes page that is updated regularly, A links page with a big database of different links to music and entertainment sites. A poetry page, A Photo Album, Linkware graphics for your own site. And that's not all you can send a greeting card as well as search the www from here. So surf in now !!!