Camber Menschel

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Camber Menschel joined the Sacramento Division Sea Cadets in 1995. He progressed through the ranks, becoming PO-3, before graduating into the U.S. Navy.

He joined the U.S. Navy through their Deferred Enlistment Program in 1997. He graduated from El Sereno High School in January, 1998. Having turned 18, Camber participated in one last Pass In Review with the Sacramento Division at the beginning of May, 1998, and then flew to Great Lakes for his boot camp training.

Upon graduation from Great Lakes, he attended school at Pensacola, before arriving at Oceana, where he is now an AT/AN with the Red Rippers, VF-11.

Camber's boot camp graduation picture

Camber Menschel

Camber and his Grandparents at Graduation