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funny jokes 1
Q: What goes ha, ha, ha, plop?
A: Someone laughing their head off!
Q: What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle?
A: A doughnut!
Q: What always ends everything?
A: The letter 'G'!
Q: What can a whole orange do that half an orange can never do?
A: Look round!
Q: To whom do people always take off their hats?
A: Hairdressers!
Q: Why do you always find things in the last place you look?
A: Because when you have found it you stop looking!
Q: Why do you always walk with the right foot first?
A: Because when you put one foot forward the other is always left behind!
Q: What always falls without getting hurt?
A: Rain!
Q: What word is always pronounced wrong?
A: Wrong!
Q: What is full of holes yet can still hold water?
A: A sponge!
Q: What happens after a dry spell?
A: It rains!
Q: Which is the fastest, cold or heat?
A: Heat; you can catch a cold!
Teacher: Mike, stop showing off. Do you think you are the teacher of this class?
Mike: No, Miss.
Teacher: Then stop acting the fool!
Q: What do sea monsters eat?
A: Fish and ships!