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funny jokes3
Q: Have you heard the joke about the butter ?
A: I can't tell you because you will spread it.
Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A: No idea (no eyed deer)
Q: Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
A: It was stuck to the chicken foot.
Q: Which side of a hen has the most feathers?
A: The outside!
Q: If there were ten cats in a boat and one jumped out, how many would be left?
A: None were left! All the rest were copy cats!
Q: What part of grapes is most explosive?
A: Wine a mite!
Q: Which meringues always come back?
A: Boomerangs
Q: Why did the cook hunt his eggs ?
A: Because he liked them poached!
Q: What is tall,sweet and french ?
A: The trifle tower!
Q: Where were lemons first found?
A: In a tree!
Q: Where was the Queen of England crowned?
A: On her head!

Q: What's black and white and green and black and white?
A: Two Zebras fighting over a pickle.
Q: What did one penny say to the other penny?
A: If we get together, we could make some cents.
Q: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A: He had no guts.
Q: What did the snail say when he got a ride on a turtle?
Q: Why did the mummy go to jail?????
A: becase he had a bum wrap!!!!!
Q: Simon can you spell yourname backwards?
A: nomis!
Q: What do you call a cammal with three humps?
A: humphy!
Q: What did the glove say to the ball?
A: Catch ya later! lolololol
Q: How do you stop fish from smelling?
A: Cut their noses off.
Q: What's black and white?
A: a newspaper!
Q: what time do you go to the dentist?
A: tooth-hurty!
There was a French man, English man and a stupid man.
The French man caught a rabbit, so the English man said:
"How did you catch it?"
The French man replied:
"I followed the tracks and I caught a rabbit."
So then the English man caught a moose, and the stupid man said:
"How did you get that?"
The English man replied:
"I followed the tracks and I caught a moose."
Then the stupid man comes back and the French man and the English man said:
"What happened to you.?"
The stupid man replied:
"I followed the tracks and I got hit by a train!!!!!!!!"