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What's New

Resized the photos to load faster and added a sketch of the Canton, NC Blue Ridge Paper Mill's track arrangement.
Updated page with description of the work performed by each train.
Updated with a more user friendly version. Comments can be emialed directly to me.
What's New
Update, again. OK, so I can't settle down in one place. I moved again a month ago. This time, I have an extra bedroom to myself.  10' x 10'  and I've been working on a new trackplan.  New plan should be ready in a week or so.
OK, I finally put some links in here.
What's New
OK, I've been slack lately...I had to move (choice between the dog and the house we were renting...stayed with the dog).  New place, much smaller space, so a new trackplan is required...check back soon for updates on that one.
What's New
Now you can check back to one page to see what's changed recently.
 New Opening Picture.  Mark S. supplied me with a clearer version of the same photo.
Link to "Trains on Paper."
Layout statistics and construction details.
A page (or pages) that will contain "other" photos, I've accumulated along the way.