My Mates...
Presita... This is Presita...she's a mate in a million...thanking you much! Thanx for putting up with my bull****....and lighten up!It's all good...luv ya loads!xoxo
Here's Nik, another mate of mine...(she's the tall skinny one with the big cheesy grin!hee hee)She's going out with Chris Coyle (I see you swoon!) Calls me Smella but then again I call her Stinky (I know what you're thinking *what the hell am I doing here??*) Ha ha, no, only joking.....C.C. 4 S.S. Chris Coyle 4 Stinky Savage...he he, so-how long's it been? take care mate...xoxo Nikki...
Sabs and Paps... This lot are Pres' older sisters (can't you tell) They're both in America right now. I miss them loads and loads!!! I hope you both see you both and miss ya both loads....mwah, mwah, kiss, kiss....xoxo

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