The Lads
Here's SLim Jim. He's a really good mate of mine. I've known him since I was 7 which is kind of a long time...Anyway, I love him to bits even if he is a little sheep from New Zealand...just kidding, I love him really!xoxo
His pic's a bit too big...*no shit*
p.s. I repeat, GROW BACK YER QUIFF
This is Pregith, more commonly known as Frij. He's Presita's twin brother (older by 15 minutes)He's like a big brother to me. Thanx Frij. Love you loads!xoxo
Here's Tariq. He goes to another school now but seeing as Bahrain is so small, it makes no difference. He's going out with this chick called is she??love you loads Taz...xoxo
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