We talk about food for the soul. I say it is time for: food for thought!
food for thought
About.com's Guide
to Atheism and Agnostism
Council for Secular Humanism

Atheist, Agnostic, and Humanist
God is Imaginary

The American Atheist
The Enlightened Despot
The Secular Web
The Church of Reality
World Union of Deists
Positive Atheism

North Texas Skeptics
Even religious people
might enjoy this site on urban legends!

Celebrity Atheist List

Famous Dead Non-Theists
Atheist Resource Site

Godless Americans
An Atheistic Point of View

The Old Cynic
Some interesting history!
Nobeliefs.com for freethinkers
The Ethical Atheist Atheism Central for secondary students
a British site
African Americans For Humanism Infidels.org

Free Inquiry
To Question is the Answer

Ontario Consultants
on Religious Tolerance

Exactly what do you believe?
The End of the World....Again!

Irregular Times

The Assertive Atheist


site index
my take on all this!