"Some people have told me that they just know in their heart that there is a God. Problem is many of us just know in our heart that there is no God. So where does that leave us? In some kind of contest as to whose heart is more knowledgeable?" The way I see it! One of my sisters, she doesn't go to church or anything; but, she likes to buy religious objects and sometimes wears religious tee shirts. She was wearing one of those tee shirts the other day when we visited a relative at the hospital. One of the security people noticed her shirt and started talking about it. Of course he agreed with everything it said! Feeling especially ornery that day, I decided to mention that I had doubts about the whole thing. He quickly asked me why, like by asking that "simple question" he was somehow putting me on the defensive. I told him that why I have my doubts about the existence of a God is not the question. The question is why he believes that there is a God. The burden of proof is not on me;
but, on those who are so certain that there is The reason for this is quite simple. It is impossible to prove a negative. So the burden of proof is upon the person making the positive claim. Let us say that I say that there are tiny little blue elephants with pink wings. You say that there are not! The fact that you cannot produce these little elephants does not prove that the elephants do not exist - only that you cannot at present find them and show them to me! On the other hand, if I were to show you the little critters, it would definitely prove not only that I can find and show them to you; but, that they exist in the first place! It is impossible to prove a
negative. It is possible to prove a positive. So the burden of
proof is on the person making the positive claim! The question of who, or what, created all this, if not God, is just a red herring since all it does is move the question back one step because then we have to answer the question of where God came from! I am told that "Well, we just simply have to accept these things on faith!" Faith in what? Faith in God? How can I have faith in something until I first believe in it? In the end, it is not God whose word that believers are taking for it all; but, that of the priests and preachers - all very fallible human beings! And, if I might add,also human beings who have a stake in others believing that there is a God. Some say that they have faith in the Bible; but, isn't that kind of a circular argument? They have faith in the Bible because it is the word of God; and, they believe that it is the word of God, and that there is a God, because the Bible says so. As for me, I can live with the
fact that there are things that I will never know or understand.
I don't need a God to explain it all. I have no problem if other people do need a God, or want a God, for whatever reason. My problem is when others try to enforce that belief upon me; or to be more specific, when they try to enforce what they believe that their God would want upon me! In this country, we have separation of church
and state. And, and like it or not, the words "In God we trust." on our national emblem is a violation of church and state. Forcing people to swear on the Bible is a violation of church and state. Forcing people, usually children, to bow their heads in prayer to a God they do not believe in is a violation of church and state! Forcing a woman to go through with an unwanted pregancy because your religious beliefs say that a fetus is a human being is a violation of church and state! No one is stopping a believer from praying anywhere anytime they so please. Now how would we do that? But others should not be forced to pray, or pretend to pray, with them! No one is forcing a woman to have an abortion if she does not want one; but, she should not be denied one because of other people's religious beliefs. A person is entitled to insert their personal and religious beliefs into their own personal lives whenever and however they see fit; but, they are not entitled to force those beliefs upon others! I am sick and tired of it; and these people scare me! |