60 seconds
This is one that is only good for quickly getting sloshed on cheap nasty tequila (the best kind). Required supplies: one analog clock with second hand, lots of tequila, people with nothing better to do. Each person chooses a number (either 1 through 12 or 1 through 60). Whenever the second hand passes a players number, s/he drinks, that simple, eh. Game ends when either: no more tequila, nobody conscious, clock broken, or players find a real life.
Heads or Tails
Take two coins shake them up (in your hands ) and slap them on the table if you get a head and a tale nothing happens and the coins are passed clockwise around the table. Two heads and you have to take a shot of tequila. Two tales and you nominate someone to take a shot. If you get a two heads or two tales you go again. If on the after two set of heads and/or tales you get another set of two you have to take two shots.
Left Hand Down
All players sit in a circle. Everyone holds up their hands and then the leader commands them to put their left hands down ("Left hands down!) on the floor/table. Then he/she commands them to place their right hand over the left hand of the person on their right ("Right hand over!"). This forms an interlock of you and the people on both sides of you. The leader decides which way s/he will start by pointing with his finger, and then pats on the table. One pat continues in the same direction, two pats reverses. The person that messes up, takes their shot of tequila and becomes the new leader.
Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll
All players gather in a group. The object is to go through the alphabet using every letter and each player must say a word that is related to either sex, drugs, or rock-n-roll. Players can determine questionable words to their discretion, there isn't supposed to be any passing of your turn, you must take a shot if you cant get one and then still think of a word, until you get one. However, on some letter, like X, you may decide to let them pass after 3 drinks or so (or you'll never get through).
Suck and Blow
A classic game for the purpose of meeting people, not for getting drunk. Supplies needed: people of both sexes (depending on sexual preference) and something along the lines of a good sized index card or sheet of paper. Everyone sits in a circle, generally male - female. Someone chooses to start, and places the card against his/her lips, then using nothing but air pressure passes it to the person sitting next to him. This person takes the card by sucking on it and attempts to pass it to the next person, of course, never touching the card with hands. If the card is dropped during the exchange, those involved take a shot of tequila (see erotic tequila shot on tequila shot recipes page if you want to spice the game up a bit). Then the game resumes. There is another version where after the card is dropped, it is torn in half, and then the game continues. Eventually, there becomes more lips involved in the exchange than actual card.