The O'Briens of Wexford, Ireland

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Wexford O'Briens in France:


Royal O'Briens:

Eugene (d. 1744) Donough (1949) says "Eugene's sons, Jean Francois O'Brien and Claude Marie Eugene O'Brien, both founded families in France. It is probable that those families are extant, but it has not been possible at present to verify this".

Michael (priest)

James (priest)

Charles I had two sons. Both died without issue-James (dsp.) & Patrick (dsp.) died without issue.

Jean Francois, had a great grandson Jean Edouard Marie O'Brien, and a great granddaughter Jean Marie Marguerite, born respectively in 1860 and 1863.
And Jean's brother Claude, had a great great granddaughter and great great grandson living in the last part of the nineteenth century in France.
Their names were, Charlotte Jeanne Marie Clotilde O'Brien, and Jacques AndrB O'Brien, born respectively in 1868 and 1871.
At least four of the members of the family served in the French army in the 18th, and early part of the 19th. century. And Jean Francois O'Brien's grandson, Jean Soioman Edward, was Colonel of the Ilth regiment of Chasseurs in 1878. He married Mile. Annedi Terrail in 1834. And the two sons of Claude Marie Eugene were soldiers.

The eldest son Louis Marie Patrice was an officer in the Regiment of Walsh, 1774-87, Irish Brigade.
And the second son, Charles Louis, was an officer in the Regi- ; ment de Bouillon. 1774-1817.
The grandson of this Charles Louis O'Brien, named Louis Etienne Patrice, was born in 1834, and was at the Bourge Military School of St. Cyr in 1852.
He was sous-lieutenant in 1854 in the 2nd. Regiment of Cuirassiers, and was in the infantry Guard in 1863, retiring from the French army on 19th March 1864. Louis Etienne married Jeanne Marie Charlotte de Ferrier de Santant.
The second grandson of Charles Louis O'Brien was Charles Marie Athanese O'Brien who was born in 1842, and married Mile. Varreni de Tenade.

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2. Flight of the Wild Geese:


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