The O'Briens of Wexford, Ireland
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This page contains a list of scheduled project events.
In addition, we maintain the following prioritized lists of
what is being worked on and what is planned:
- Design & impliment project web site.
- Create an e-mail workgroup list of people with ties to
the O'Briens from Wexford, Ireland.
- Notify the group of possible site catagories.
- Make changes according to the groups requirements.
- Make recommendations to the wider O'Brien community as to
doing similar work in other Irish counties.
- Determine on the extent of related O'Brien names in
Wexford (eg. Breen, Aubrie, Obrie, Bryan...).
- Added: Tithe Records of 1820's (Heads of Households
in Bantry & Scarawalsh)
Perogitive Marriages
Some early history info. & new site pages
List info on Canada page-1817 emmigration
Enland-List of Irish strays in 1851 census
- Advertised help for Griffith Index listing.
Obtained web site.
Web site uploaded.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [ProjectEmail].
Last updated: November 04, 1999.