The O'Briens of Wexford, Ireland

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Misc. Sources

Bassett, George H. Wexford County Guide and Directory. Dublin, 1885.

Browne, Elizabeth, and Tom Wickham, eds.

Lewis's Wexfford. Enniscorthy, 1983.

Butler, Thomas. History of the Parish of Crurickon-Bqnnow. N.p., 1985.

Cantwell, Brian J. Memorials of the Dead for County Wexford vols. 5-10 (index)

County Wexford Almanne 1909. Wexford: John English & Co., 1909.

"Ferns Marriage Licenses 1662-1806 (except 1701-25 and 1693/94)." 1. Kildare Arch. Hist. Sec. (A-B)9(1) (1918-21): 34-59; (C) 9: 178w; (D-F) 9: 227-45; (G) 9: 292-300; (H) 9: 366-75, 9: 454-56, and 10: 29-31; (H contd. P) 10: 61-99; (R-S) 10: 125-49; (T-Z) 10: 17494.

Flood, W.H.G.A History of Enniscorlhy. 1898.

Fraser, R. Statistical Survey of the County of Wexford Royal Dublin Society, 1807.

Grattan-Flood W. History of the Diocese of Ferns. Waterford, 1916.

Griffiths, George. Chronicles of Co. Wexford to 1877. Enniscorthy, 1877.

Hore, P.H. The History of the Town and Country of Wexford, London, 1906.

Jeffrey, William H. The Castles of Co. Wexford Old Wexford Society Presentation to Co. Library, Wexford, 1979.

Kinsella, A. The Waveswept Shore -A History of the Courtown District. Wexford, 1982.

Lacy, Thos. Sights and Scenes in Our Fatherland London, 1863.

Leslie, J.B. Ferns Clergy and Parishes. Dublin, 1936.

Murphy, Hilary. Families of Co. Wexford.

Dublin: Geography Publications, 1986.

(Information on Wexford Breen and Bryan).

"Passenger List of Ticonderoga 1850" (many from Waveney parish, Wexford). n~e Past 12 (1978): 49-52 (including part of a group which founded New Wexford, Missouri).

"Population Trends in Co. Wexford." The Past 6 (19M): 118-37.

"Ouakers in We~dord." Old Wexford Soc. 1. 3 (1):

(1970): 36-41.

Hennessy, Patrick. Davidstown, Courtnrrcuddy-A Werford Parish. Enniscorthy, 1986. *Some 18th Century Petitions." The Part 9 (1972): 8-38.

Whelan, K., ed. A History of Newbawn. New-


The Past (Journal of the Ui Cinsealaigh Society)

Journal of the Wexford Historical Society

Journal of Waterford and South East of Ireland Archaelogical Society.


Ui Cinsealaigh Historical Society, Rev. M. Glynn, St. Aidan's, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford

New Ross Literary & Historical Society, Mr. James Doyle, Ard Roas, New Ross, Co. Wexford

Wexford Historical Society, 61 Talbot Green, Wexford


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Last updated: September 12, 1999.