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Digidestined Digimon
The digimon partners of the digidestined! (If I left any out, sorry. just tell me and I'll fix it! these are mainly new digimon, ones not seen on the show, and any digimon used by the players will be shown here too.)
Remember, If you have a picture of your Digimon, feel free to send it to me, and I'll put it up here!

Noir's Digimon

Baby: Tiomon
In Training: Pawmon
Rookie: Kittamon
Champion: Kyatramon/FeralKyatrimon (Dark)
Armor: MetaKyatrimon

Erik's Digimon

In Training: Felemon
Rookie: Tacmon
Champion: Tigramon
Armor: Platinum Tacmon

Cyan's Digimon

Baby: Threadmon
In Training: Chitamon (pronounced Kite-amon)
Rookie: Spidremon
Champion: Widremon
Armor: SteelWebdremon

Eiko's Digimon?

In Training:

Davis' Digimon
Baby: Chicomon
In Training: DemiVeemon                                      
Rookie: Veemon
Champion: ExVeemon
Armor: Flamedramon, Raidramon, or Magnamon
Jogress: (DNA) Paildramon, ImperialDramon

Kari's Digimon
Baby: Snowbotamon
In Training: Nyaromon
Rookie: Salamon
Champion: Gatomon
Armor: Nefertimon
Jogress:(DNA) Silphymon

TK's Digimon
Baby: Poyomon
In Training: Tokomon
Rookie: Patamon                  
Champion: Angemon
Armor: Pegasusmon
Jogress:(DNA) Shakkoumon

Yolei's Digimon

Baby: Pururumon
In Training: Poromon
Rookie: Hawkmon
Champion: Aquilamon
Armor: Halsemon, Shurimon
Jogress:(DNA) Silphymon

Jay's Digimon

In Training: Halvenmon
Rookie: Healymon